How to Make Magic Mushroom Chocolate Bars: A Step-by-Step DIY Guide


Can You Make Your Own Magic Mushroom Chocolate Bars? A DIY Guide to Psilocybin Confections

Curious about crafting your own psilocybin-infused chocolate bars? It’s surprisingly achievable and a delicious way to explore the world of magic mushrooms. This guide will walk you through the process, ensuring a safe and enjoyable experience.

Why Make Your Own Magic Mushroom Chocolate Bars?

Creating your own magic mushroom chocolate bars offers numerous advantages:

  • Dosage Control: Precisely measure and control the amount of psilocybin in each serving.
  • Customization: Tailor the flavor profile and potency to your preferences.
  • Cost-Effective: It can be more economical than purchasing pre-made products.
  • Unique Experience: Craft a truly personalized and enjoyable psychedelic journey.

Ingredients & Equipment

Here’s what you’ll need:

  • Magic Mushrooms (Psilocybin Cubensis): Choose your desired strain and amount based on your experience level and desired effects.
  • High-Quality Chocolate: Opt for dark chocolate with a high cocoa percentage for a richer flavor and smoother infusion.
  • Grinder (optional): Helps break down the mushrooms for easier infusion.
  • Double Boiler (or Heatproof Bowl & Saucepan): Gently melts the chocolate without burning.
  • Chocolate Mold: Create uniform and professional-looking bars.
  • Thermometer (optional): Ensures the chocolate reaches the ideal temperature for tempering.

Step-by-Step Instructions

  1. Prepare the Magic Mushrooms: Decarboxylate the mushrooms by gently heating them in an oven at a low temperature. This activates the psilocybin for optimal effects.
  2. Grind (optional): If desired, grind the mushrooms into a fine powder for easier distribution in the chocolate.
  3. Melt the Chocolate: Use a double boiler or create a makeshift one by placing a heatproof bowl over a saucepan with simmering water. Melt the chocolate slowly, stirring frequently.
  4. Temper the Chocolate (optional): This step creates a smooth, glossy finish. Melt the chocolate to a specific temperature, then cool and reheat it to a working temperature. A thermometer can be helpful for precision.
  5. Infuse: Add the ground or whole mushrooms to the melted chocolate and mix thoroughly. The heat will help infuse the psilocybin into the chocolate.
  6. Pour & Mold: Pour the infused chocolate mixture into your mold. Tap gently to remove any air bubbles.
  7. Set & Enjoy: Place the mold in the refrigerator and allow the chocolate to harden completely. Once set, pop out your bars and enjoy responsibly!

Important Considerations:

  • Dosage: Be cautious with your dosage, especially if you’re new to psilocybin. Start with a small amount and gradually increase as needed.
  • Set & Setting: Create a comfortable and safe environment for your psychedelic experience. Have a trusted friend or trip sitter present if possible.
  • Legality: Research the legal status of psilocybin in your area. Be aware of any potential risks and consequences.


Crafting your own magic mushroom chocolate bars can be a rewarding and enjoyable experience, offering both customization and control over your psychedelic journey. By following this guide, you can create a safe and delightful psilocybin-infused treat. Remember to start with a small dosage, ensure a safe setting, and stay informed about the legalities in your area.

For more information on psilocybin products and other related items, visit Official Shroomiez Store

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